Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Major Project Production Bike Parts #Seat

The seat was the next object I modelled. For this I followed a tutorial on YouTube for a guide. To start the model of I created references within the space using the images the tutorial provided. I then started to block in the shape using the plane method.  

This Image shows a rough blocking out stage of where the edges needed to be to create the shape of the seat.

This then got built up and became more of a 3D model creating the extrusion of the edges. Also by using some of the edges I also defined more of the shape.

This then became completely a 3d model and then needed fine tuning moving verts around and removing or placing new topology where need.

This is a closer image of the stage I got so far. 

I then used the symmetry modifier to create the other side of the seat to see what the final object would look. 

This then required me to do more fine tuning to the topology to create the final about come of the seat as the image shows. 

For the seat post this resulted in using a range of techniques first part I created was the cylinder and support part. from there I created a box to fit on top this was created by a few extrusions. The final part resulted in me using splines and the adjusting them using the edit poly modifier. 

This image shows the behind view of the object.

The final stage of this section was the seat clamp, this needed to be kept low as possible as not going to get seen much. For this I created a few cylinders and a box,  I create the shape with as few subdivisions as possible.

This image shows all the pieces together.

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