I started on the knee pad and reworked my existing mesh as wanted to make a cleaner and simpler looking mesh. As I was advised to reshape the mesh and create each part of the knee pad separately.
This image shows the new reworked mesh.
To make each part I used 3d coat again as it locks onto the reference mesh. I simply roughed out the areas needed.
After completing the repo mesh I reimported the mesh into max so that I could edit the flat plane objects and give them depth.
After using the shell modifier on all of the parts to ensure each part is roughly the width needed.
From there I imported the whole mesh into Zbrush, I then Separated the mesh into each piece for me to work on individually.
I started by subdividing the mesh to a high enough subdivision that noise maker could make a good outcome. I soon realised that I needed to unwrap the mesh before using noise maker, I was advice to try before hand just encase it worked. I was easier enough though going back unwrapping each part. Then once done I followed the same process to get to the same point I left off.
Once the mesh was at the right subdivisions I was able to use the noise maker as needed to create the outcome I wanted.
I began to add colour to the mesh to see what the final out come would look like.
This is the final outcome of the knee pad.
For the 661 logo I grabbed an image offline and created an alpha from it.
I also done the same with the second part of the logo.
Image shows the real world Object I tried to replicate.
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